
Sunday, 21 July 2013

NERC - The Lesser the power, the higher the money

I read with total disdain the purported increment of PHCN charges despite non-availability of power. From N200 service fee, Nigerians are now made to pay N700 monthly for no power. This is pure wickedness. How can someone actually conceive such inhuman idea; telling us it is for our good? Please how can "No light - Higher bill" policy benefit us? This is broad day robbery. This invariably means that for people like me who haven't seen power supply for almost a month, I'll still have to pay N750 to PHCN. Is this the economy improvement we were promised? It is truly painful what we Nigerians have to go through in the hands of these so called "economy builders". Worst of all their is no assurance that after we pay this huge bills, that power will be constant in the nearest future yet they claim the increment will continue till 2016. How are they sure they will be in power till then? As we all know, in Nigerian, nothing goes up and later comes down. It goes up and stays up and in most cases it goes higher; take petrol for example. When will all these madness end? They have promised us steady power supply since civilian rule yet the only thing that has been steady is the constant increment of PHCN bills. We cannot generate 10,000MW as promised yet we cannot deregulate it. This ultimately means that we will keep paying for inefficiency, corruption, injustice etc. Where is the service we are paying for when there's no service rendered?

Nigerians, we have to stand and take: by force, what is rightfully ours. If those we supposedly elected cannot do what is right for us, let us take back our vote and keep it to ourselves. Enough has just got to be enough

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