
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

As we sit down and watch

Nigerians are the most tolerant people in the world”; so they say but now I believe it. With what is happening in Rivers state one can easily see how tolerant Nigerians can be. How can a small group of people continuously hold a state to siege with no impedance? How can a commissioner of police assume the role of the chief officer of the state? How can 5 people’s vote count more than 28 people’s vote?

There are many more questions yet to be answered. In all who are the people suffering these? We are; we the voters, the workers, the poor majority, the uneducated masses etc. all of us are the losing end because these privileged few do not care about us. Yet we sit back and look helplessly while people we supposedly gave power misuse it. The presidency (including his wife) keeps denying involvement in the crisis yet has don (and is doing) nothing to stop this madness. Everybody is calling for the redeployment of the CP of rivers state (though I think he should be dismissed from service and tried) yet even the IG is not concerned about it. Now the governor cannot move around freely as he cannot trust the people assigned to his security; the police.

I think our sitting down and watching things unfold without doing anything is causing us a lot of damage. It is high time we in turn hold this country to siege and demand what is our right. He have right to good governance, education, freedom of speech, to vote in and vote out people etc. we have to enforce these rights even if it means grounding this economy. Enough has to be enough. If not for us, let it be for our children and their children. We cannot continue to tolerate rubbish as we refuse to be rubbish.  

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