
Friday 23 May 2014

Phobia List & Definitions

 You will shocked to hear of some phobia

 Ablutophobia — washing, bathing, or cleaning
Acarophobia — itching or the insects that cause itching
Acerophobia — sourness or things that are sour
Achievemephobia — success, achievement or moving forward in life
Achluophobia — darkness or the dark
Acousticophobia — noise or sound
Acrophobia — heights or high levels
Aeroacrophobia — open high places
Aeronausiphobia — vomiting secondary to airsickness
Aerophobia — draft, swallowing air, or airborne noxious substances
Agateophobia — insanity or becoming insane
Agliophobia — pain
Agoraphobia — open spaces, leaving a safe place, or crowded public places
Agraphobia — sexual abuse
Agrizoophobia — wild animals
Agyrophobia — streets or crossing the street
Aichmophobia — needles, pins, or pointed objects
Ailurophobia — cats
Albuminurophobia — kidney disease
Alektorophobia — chickens
Alliumphobia — garlic
Allodoxaphobia — opinions or beliefs
Amathophobia — dust
Amaxophobia — riding in cars
Ambulophobia — walking
Amnesiphobia — amnesia
Amychophobia — scratches or being scratched
Anablephobia — looking up
Androphobia — men
Anemophobia — wind or air drafts
Anginophobia — angina, choking, or narrowness
Anglophobia — England, English Culture, or English People
Angrophobia — anger or becoming angry
Ankylophobia — immobility of a joint
Anthophobia — flowers
Anthropophobia — people or society
Antlophobia — floods
Anuptaphobia — staying single
Anxiety — Anxiety and a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning
Apeirophobia — infinity
Aphenphosmphobia — being touched
Apiphobia — bees
Apotemnophobia — people with amputations
Arachibutyrophobia — peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Arachnephobia — spiders
Arithmophobia — numbers
Arsonphobia — fire or flames
Asthenophobia — fainting or weakness
Astraphobia — thunder and lightning
Astrophobia — stars and celestial space
Asymmetriphobia — asymmetrical things
Ataxiophobia — ataxia (muscular in-coordination)
Ataxophobia — disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia — imperfection
Atephobia — ruin or ruins
Athazagoraphobia — being forgotton, being ignored, or forgetting
Atomosophobia — atomic explosions
Atychiphobia — failure
Aulophobia — flutes
Aurophobia — gold
Auroraphobia — Northern lights
Autodysomophobia — one that has a vile odor
Automatonophobia — ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures or wax statues
Automysophobia — being dirty
Autophobia — solitude, being alone, oneself, or being by oneself
Aviophobia — flying
Bacillophobia — microbes
Bacteriophobia — bacteria
Ballistophobia — missiles or bullets
Barophobia — gravity
Basiphobia — inability to stand or falling
Bathmophobia — stairs or steep slopes
Bathophobia — depth
Batophobia — heights or being close to high buildings
Batrachophobia — amphibians, frogs, newts, or salamanders
Bibliophobia — books
Blennophobia — slime
Body Dysmorphic Disorder — having ugly or unattractive features
Bogyphobia — bogies or the bogeyman
Bolshephobia — Bolsheviks
Botanophobia — plants
Bromidrophobia — bodily odor or bodily smell
Bufonophobia — toads
Cacophobia — ugliness or things that are ugly
Cainophobia — newness or novelty
Caligynephobia — beautiful women
Cancerophobia — cancer
Cardiophobia — the heart
Carnophobia — meat
Catagelophobia — being ridiculed or ridicule
Catapedaphobia — jumping from high and low places
Cathisophobia — sitting
Catoptrophobia — mirrors
Cheimaphobia — cold
Chemophobia — chemicals or working with chemicals
Cherophobia — gaiety
Chionophobia — snow
Chirophobia — hands
Cholerophobia — anger or Cholera
Chorophobia — dancing
Chrematophobia — money
Chromatophobia — colors
Chronomentrophobia — clocks
Chronophobia — time
Claustrophobia — confined or small spaces
Cleisiophobia — being locked in an enclosed place
Cleithrophobia — being enclosed
Cleptophobia — stealing
Climacophobia — stairs, climbing stairs, or falling down stairs
Clinophobia — going to bed
Cnidophobia — stings or being stung
Coimetrophobia — cemeteries
Coitophobia — coitus, sex, or sexual intercourse
Cometophobia — comets
Coprastasophobia — constipation
Coprophobia — feces and fecal matter
Coulrophobia — clowns
Cremnophobia — precipices
Cryophobia — extreme cold, ice, or frost
Crystallophobia — crystals or glass
Cyberphobia — computers or working on a computer
Cyclophobia — bicycles
Cymophobia — waves or wave-like motion
Cynophobia — dogs, canines, or rabies
Cyprianophobia — prostitutes, venereal disease, or STDs
Daemonophobia — demons or daemons
Decidophobia — making decisions
Defecaloesiophobia — painful bowels movements
Deipnophobia — dining or dinner conversation
Demophobia — crowds
Dendrophobia — trees
Dentophobia — dentists and dental procedures
Dermatopathophobia — skin disease or skin lesions
Dextrophobia — objects at the right side of the body
Diabetophobia — diabetes
Didaskaleinophobia — going to school
Dikephobia — justice
Dinophobia — dizziness or whirlpools
Diplophobia — double vision
Dipsophobia — drinking
Dishabiliophobia — undressing in front of someone
Doraphobia — fur or skins of animals
Doxophobia — expressing opinions or of receiving praise
Dromophobia — crossing streets
Dutchphobia — the Netherlands, the Dutch, Dutch Culture
Dysmorphophobia — deformity
Dystychiphobia — accidents
Earthquakophobia — earthquakes
Ecclesiophobia — churches
Eisoptrophobia — mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror
Electrophobia — electricity
Eleutherophobia — freedom
Emaciatophobia — Fear of Being Too Thin
Emetophobia — vomiting or throwing up
Enetophobia — pins
Enissophobia — having committed an unpardonable sin or criticism
Entomophobia — insects or bugs
Eosophobia — dawn or daylight
Ephebiphobia — teenagers
Epistaxiophobia — nosebleeds
Epistemophobia — knowledge
Equinophobia — horses
Eremophobia — being oneself or loneliness
Ereuthophobia — red lights, blushing, or the color red
Ergasiophobia — work, functioning, or Surgeon’s operating
Ergophobia — work
Erotophobia — sexual love or sexual questions
Euphobia — hearing good news
Francophobia — France, French people, or French culture
Frigophobia — cold or cold things
Gamophobia — marriage, commitment or relationships
Geliophobia — laughter
Geniophobia — chins
Genuphobia — knees
Gephydrophobia — crossing bridges
Gerascophobia — growing old or old people
Germanophobia — Germany, German People, or German culture
Geumaphobia — taste
Globophobia — balloons
Glossophobia — speaking in public or trying to speak
Graphophobia — writing or handwriting
Gymnophobia — nudity
Gynephobia — women
Hadephobia — hell
Hagiophobia — saints or holy things
Harpaxophobia — being robbed
Hedonophobia — feeling pleasure
Heliophobia — the sun
Hellenologophobia — Greek terms or complex scientific terminology
Helminthophobia — being infested with worms
Hemaphobia — blood
Hereiophobia — challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation
Herpetophobia — reptiles or creepy, crawly things
Heterophobia — the opposite sex
Hierophobia — priests or sacred things
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia — long words
Hobophobia — bums or beggars
Hodophobia — road travel
Homichlophobia — fog
Homilophobia — sermons
Homophobia — sameness, monotony, homosexuality, or becoming homosexual
Hoplophobia — firearms
Hormephobia — shock
Hyalophobia — glass
Hydrargyophobia — mercurial medicines
Hydrophobia — water or drowning
Hydrophobophobia — rabies
Hygrophobia — liquids, dampness, or moisture
Hylephobia — materialism or epilepsy
Hypegiaphobia — responsibility
Hypnophobia — sleep or being hypnotized
Iatrophobia — doctors or going to the doctor
Ichthyophobia — fish
Ideophobia — ideas
Illyngophobia — vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down
Insomnia — Inability to Sleep
Iophobia — poison
Isopterophobia — termites, insects that eat wood
Japanophobia — Japanese
Judeophobia — Jewish People
Kakorrhaphiophobia — failure or defeat
Kenophobia — voids or empty spaces
Kinesophobia — movement or motion
Koinoniphobia — rooms
Kolpophobia — genitals, particularly female
Kopophobia — fatigue
Kosmikophobia — cosmic phenomenon
Kyphophobia — stooping
Lachanophobia — vegetables
Lalophobia — speaking
Lepraphobia — leprosy
Leukophobia — the color white
Levophobia — things to the left side of the body
Ligyrophobia — loud noises
Lilapsophobia — tornado or hurricanes
Limnophobia — lakes
Linonophobia — string
Liticaphobia — lawsuits
Lockiophobia — childbirth
Logizomechanophobia — computers
Logophobia — words
Luiphobia — lues or syphilis
Lutraphobia — otters
Macrophobia — long waits
Mageirocophobia — cooking
Malaxophobia — love play
Maniaphobia — insanity
Mastigophobia — punishment
Mechanophobia — machines
Medomalacuphobia — losing an erection
Medorthophobia — an erect penis
Megalophobia — large things
Melanophobia — the color black
Melophobia — music
Meningitophobia — brain disease
Menophobia — menstruation
Merinthophobia — being bound or tied up
Metallophobia — metal
Metathesiophobia — changes
Meteorophobia — meteors
Metrophobia — poetry
Microbiophobia — microbes
Microphobia — small things
Misophobia — being contaminated with dirt or germs
Mnemophobia — memories
Monopathophobia — definite disease
Motorphobia — automobiles
Mottephobia — moths
Murophobia — mice
Mycophobia — mushrooms
Myrmecophobia — ants
Mythophobia — myths, stories, or false statements
Necrophobia — death or dead things
Neopharmaphobia — new drugs
Nephophobia — clouds
Noctiphobia — the night
Nomatophobia — names
Nosocomephobia — hospitals
Nosophobia — becoming ill
Nostophobia — returning home
Novercaphobia — your step-mother
Nucleomituphobia — nuclear weapons
Nudophobia — nudity or nakedness
Nyctohylophobia — dark wooded areas or forests at night
Obesophobia — gaining weight
Ochlophobia — crowds or mobs
Ochophobia — vehicles
Octophobia — the figure 8
Odontophobia — teeth or dental surgery
Oenophobia — wines
Oikophobia — houses, home surroundings, or being in a house
Olfactophobia — smells
Ombrophobia — rain or of being rained on
Ommatophobia — eyes
Oneirogmophobia — wet dreams
Oneirophobia — dreams
Onomatophobia — hearing a certain word or of names
Ophidiophobia — snakes
Ophthalmophobia — being stared at
Opiophobia — doctors
Optophobia — opening one’s eyes
Ornithophobia — birds
Orthophobia — property
Ostraconophobia — shellfish
Ouranophobia — heaven
Pagophobia — ice or frost
Panophobia — everything
Panthophobia — suffering or disease
Papaphobia — the Pope
Papyrophobia — paper
Paralipophobia — neglecting duty or responsibility
Paraphobia — sexual perversion
Parasitophobia — parasites
Paraskavedekatriaphobia — Friday the 13th
Parthenophobia — virgins or young girls
Pathophobia — disease
Patroiophobia — heredity
Peccatophobia — sinning
Pediculophobia — lice
Pediophobia — dolls
Pedophobia — children
Peladophobia — bald people
Pellagrophobia — pellagra
Peniaphobia — poverty
Pentheraphobia — mother-in-law
Phagophobia — swallowing or eating
Phalacrophobia — becoming bald
Pharmacophobia — taking medicine or drugs
Phengophobia — daylight or sunshine
Philemaphobia — kissing
Philophobia — falling in love or being in love
Philosophobia — philosophy
Phobophobia — phobias
Phonophobia — noises, voices, one’s own voice, or telephones
Photoaugliaphobia — glaring lights
Photophobia — light
Phronemophobia — thinking
Phthisiophobia — tuberculosis
Placophobia — tombstones
Plutophobia — wealth
Pneumatiphobia — spirits
Pnigerophobia — choking or being smothered
Pogonophobia — beards
Poliosophobia — contracting poliomyelitis
Politicophobia — politicians
Polyphobia — many things
Ponophobia — overworking or of pain
Porphyrophobia — the color purple
Potamophobia — rivers or running water
Potophobia — alcohol
Proctophobia — rectums
Prosophobia — progress
Psellismophobia — stuttering
Psychophobia — the mind
Psychrophobia — the cold
Pteromerhanophobia — flying
Pteronophobia — being tickled by feathers
Pupaphobia — puppets
Pyrexiophobia — fever
Radiophobia — radiation or x-rays
Ranidaphobia — frogs
Rectophobia — rectums or rectal diseases
Rhabdophobia — being severely punished, beaten by a rod, or severely criticized
Rhypophobia — defecation
Rhytiphobia — getting wrinkles
Rupophobia — dirt
Russophobia — Russians
Samhainophobia — Halloween
Satanophobia — Satan or The Devil
Scabiophobia — scabies
Scelerophobia — bad men or burglars
Sciaphobia — shadows
Scoleciphobia — worms
Scolionophobia — school
Scopophobia — being seen or stared at
Scoptophobia — blindness in visual field
Scriptophobia — writing in public
Selachophobia — sharks
Selaphobia — light flashes
Selenophobia — the moon
Seplophobia — decaying matter
Siderodromophobia — trains, railroads, or train travel
Siderophobia — stars
Sinistrophobia — things to the left or left-handed
Sinophobia — China, Chinese, or Chinese culture
Sitiophobia — food or eating
Soceraphobia — parents-in-law
Social Phobia — social situations
Sociophobia — society or people in general
Somniphobia — sleep
Sophophobia — learning
Soteriophobia — dependence on others
Spacephobia — outer space
Spectrophobia — specters or ghosts
Spheksophobia — wasps
Stasibasiphobia — standing or walking
Statue Phobia — statues or effigies
Staurophobia — crosses or the crucifix
Stenophobia — narrow things or places
Symbolophobia — symbolism
Symmetrophobia — symmetry
Syngenesophobia — relatives
Tachophobia — speed
Taeniophobia — tapeworms
Taphephobia — being buried alive or cemeteries
Tapinophobia — being contagious
Taurophobia — bulls
Technophobia — technology or computers
Teleophobia — definite plans or Religious ceremony
Telephonophobia — telephones
Teratophobia — bearing a deformed child, monsters, or deformed people
Testophobia — taking tests
Tetanophobia — lockjaw or tetanus
Textophobia — certain fabrics
Thalassophobia — the sea or the ocean
Thanatophobia — death, dying, being buried, cremation, or entombment
Theatrophobia — theaters
Theologicophobia — theology
Theophobia — gods or religion
Thermophobia — heat
Tocophobia — pregnancy or childbirth
Tomophobia — surgery or surgical operations
Topophobia — fear of certain places or situations
Toxicophobia — poison or being accidentally poisoned
Traumatophobia — injury or battle
Tremophobia — trembling
Trichinophobia — trichinosis
Trichopathophobia — hair
Triskaidekaphobia — the number 13
Tropophobia — moving or making changes
Trypanophobia — injections
Tyrannophobia — tyrants
Urophobia — urine or urinating
Vaccinophobia — vaccination
Vehophobia — driving a motorized vehicle
Verminophobia — germs
Vestiphobia — clothing
Virginitiphobia — rape
Vitricophobia — step-father’s
Walloonphobia — the Walloons
Wiccaphobia — witches and witchcraft
Xanthophobia — the color yellow or the word yellow
Xenoglossophobia — foreign languages
Xenophobia — strangers or foreigners
Xerophobia — dryness
Xylophobia — wood, wooden objects, or forests
Xyrophobia — razors
Zelophobia — jealousy
Zemmiphobia — the great mole rat
Zeusophobia — God or gods
Zoophobia — animals

Wednesday 14 May 2014

14 Reasons You Should Start Eating Cucumber


Cucumbers are number four most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall health, often referred to as a super food. Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and drop them into your shopping cart. Congratulations! You have just bought yourself stuff full of good health.

Cucumber rehydrates body
If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber, which is 90 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate your water lost.
Cucumber fights heat inside and out
Eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn. Apply cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.
Cucumber eliminates toxins
All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products out of your body. With regular eating, cucumber is known to dissolve kidney stones.
Cucumber replenishes daily vitamins
Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. A B and C, which boost your immune system keep you radiant and give you energy. Make it more powerful by juicing cucumber with spinach and carrot. Don’t forget to leave the skin on because it contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 12 percent of the daily recommended allowance.
Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals
Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is why spas abound cucumber based treatments.
Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss
Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation.
Cucumber revives the eyes
Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichéd beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties.
Cucumber fights cancers
Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. The three lignans have a strong connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including ovarian, breast, prostate and uterine cancer.
Cucumber cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure
Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which is widely spread to be beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers have found that a compound called sterols in cucumbers can help decrease levels of cholesterol. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients work effectively for regulating blood pressure. That is why cucumber is good for treating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
 Cucumber refreshes the mouth
Cucumber juice heals and refreshes diseased gums. Get a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for a half minute, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing unpleasant breath.
Cucumber smoothes hair and nails
The wonder mineral Silica in cucumber makes your hair and nails shinier and stronger. The sulfur and silica in cucumbers help to stimulate your hair growth.
Cucumber promotes joint health, relieves arthritis and gout pain
As cucumber is an excellent source of silica it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. When mixed with carrot juice, cucumber can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering levels of the uric acid.
Cucumber cures hangover
To avoid a morning headache or hangover you can eat a few cucumber slices before going to sleep. Cucumbers contain enough B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients and reducing the severity of both hangover and headache.
Cucumber keeps kidneys in shape
Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your body and though keeping the kidneys healthy.

---curled from

Monday 12 May 2014

5 Fruits for a glowing skin

Banana: This is one fruit that's abundantly available in India all through the year. We know it's a good source of iron, magnesium and potassium and helps reduce menstrual cramps. The effect of banana on skin too is not something that can be ignored. Bananas are rich in vitamin A, B and E and hence works as an anti-aging agent. A fresh mashed banana facial can do wonders for your skin.

Lemon: Lemon juice is an important ingredient in most Indian recipes. This is also a fruit of all seasons and almost always finds place on your kitchen shelf or refrigerator. With its vitamin C content, its juice will keep your skin beautiful. A glass of warm water with a tsp of honey and a dash of lemon juice on an empty stomach every morning is a great skin cleanser. With its astringent properties, it can be used to lighten the skin tone and also diminish acne scars. Rub the inside of a lemon peel on your elbow remove dark spots. Mix lemon and honey and use it as a natural bleach on your skin.Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away is cliched, but its health benefits are indisputable. Apple's antioxidant property prevents cell and tissue damage. Studies by nutritionists have shown that apples contain abundant amounts of elastin and collagen that help keep the skin young. Applying a mixture of mashed apple, honey, rose water and oatmeal can act as a great exfoliating mask on your skin.

Orange: Rich in vitamin C that improves skin texture. Like apple, orange too contains collagen that slows skin aging process. Rub the insides of orange on your skin to tighten the skin. Oranges can be dried and powdered and used as a natural scrub. Like lemon, oranges too help clear skin blemishes.

Papaya: The benefits of this fruit on skin have perhaps been talked about since the time of our ancestors. Papaya is rich in antioxidants and contain a special enzyme called papain that can kill dead cells and cure skin impurities. A glass of papaya milk or just applying the flesh of papaya on your skin can do wonders to your skin.

Mango: Rightly called the king of fruits for not just its taste but also for health benefits. The soft pulpy fruit has an amazing effect on skin too. Rich in vitamin-A and rich antioxidants, it fights against skin aging, regenerates skin cells and restores the elasticity of skin.

----curled from

Friday 9 May 2014


Get Out The Whiteboard
No matter the type of event you’re planning, you need to map out a strategy. What’s the goal of your event? Are you introducing a new product or service to customers? Running a demo for analysts or prospects?

Whether your end goal is to get in front of key influencers or present before a group of executives, you’ll want to whiteboard a strategy. Look at your ideal audience, what message will resonate with them and how you are going to measure results. Remember, you’ll have no clue whether your event was a bust or boon unless you have the right metrics.

Bring Up Budget
Once you have your goals outlined, you need to consider how much it will cost to accomplish those goals. Personally, I make a checklist of every single cost item I need to make an event happen. This can include signs, invitations, graphic treatments for the website, food, beverages, music, giveaways, etc. Think back to events you’ve attended and imagine all the little things that were involved. What do you absolutely need and what can you live without? Make up a checklist and start developing an overall price tag

A Time and Place for Every Event
Are you hosting executives or managers? Is it a presentation or a mixer? Is this event part of your demand generation strategy or about brand awareness?

The answer to these questions should determine when and where your event is held. If you’re targeting busy executives, for instance, you’ll want to plan a fancy breakfast. A networking event is best served in the evening with cocktails. A presentation feels forced in a bar. Better to hold that kind of an event in a hotel or conference room.

Be aware of how our surroundings influence our attention spans and the type of message we expect to hear.
Iteration of an Invite

The invitation to your event is one of the most important aspects of the entire planning process. You don’t want to send out the first invite too early or too late. Three weeks out is a good rule to live by. But if you want to get on executives’ calendars, you might want to send it out even earlier. A more detailed, elaborate invite for a dinner event is appropriate, but you may want to be more simple and straight to the point if you’re presenting a demo. Include directions that include access to public transportation. Make it easy to be an attendee.

Also, you’ll want to segment your invite list. Marketing automation can help immensely in this case. An invite to analyst event will just junk up a CMO’s inbox. And you’ll want to follow up. Those who have RSVP’d should receive reminders that differ in timing and message than those who haven’t.

Walk a Mile
Visit the venue the day before your event. Envision how you want attendees to experience the event. What signs need to be in place to avoid confusion? Where should you station staff? Basically, you want to understand what your guests will see from the time they walk into the venue to the registration table to the actual event. Feel matters. And the only way to anticipate how your event will feel is to walk a mile in your guests’ shoes.

Curled from

Thursday 8 May 2014

Makeup for Different Face Shapes

1. Makeup tips for Oval Face:

An oval face shape is perfectly symmetrical. The eyes are separated by an eye’s length; the forehead is wider than the lower face. This bone structure works with just about any makeup look. Women use highlight and contour techniques to achieve this look, so an oval faced person can skip heavy contouring as the face shape is naturally contoured.

So for makeup, all an oval face needs is a Bronzer in a “3”shape from the forehead to cheekbones and then to the chin in order to accentuate the ideal features that the face already has. This face shape can pull off latest trends and colours very easily.
  • Next comes eyebrows. Arched brows can give a more oval shape. So follow natural shape of brow bones and tweeze that way.
  • While doing makeup for eyes or lips, concentrate on any one feature, either eyes or lips keeping the other simple .

2.  Makeup tips for Round Face:

Round face has equal length and width. So when it comes to makeup, you have to create the illusion of length. Contouring is very important for this face shape. A bronzer can work as a contour when applied to the temples and beneath the jaw line. Doing so will create the illusion of an oval face. Also highlight the forehead, area under the eyes and the chin to draw attention to the centre of your face.

A blush can be applied just beneath the cheekbones in order to give them definition, or apply it directly to the apples of the cheeks to accentuate their perfect shape. Do apply the blush in upward strokes to give a slimming effect.
A little care needs to be taken regarding the colours as bright colours only accentuate the roundness of the face.

3Makeup tips for Oblong Face:
Oblong or long face as it is commonly known gives you plenty of surface area to play with makeup, so new things can often be tried but one has to be careful about the choice of colours. The face has length but lacks the required width. So contouring across the lower section of the chin helps to shorten the face length. Blush should be applied to the apples of the cheek to widen your face. A neutral palette works best for this face shape.
  • Make your eye lashes look bigger and more dramatic by using double curling (before and after use of mascara) or you may even experiment with darker false lashes.
  • Try to keep lips minimum and rosy pink, they look the best and wide, to make face appear fuller.
  • Coming to the nose, like for oval face you do a side shadowing. Here do a top shadowing technique, do not use shadowing on sides of nose, let it remain covered in foundation. Sweep the top of nose bone with a bronzer.
----- curled from


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Blending Makeup with Your Outfit When Stepping Out in Navy Blue

Dress Colour codes

It is a bright sunny morning and you just feel like stepping out in that blue or navy blue suit. What else will accompany the chosen attire to crown off your merry mood? Blue attire suits both daily activities and your night excursions. It is now evident that people choose colours they identify with and feel comfortable in. I prefer wool due to the deep natural colour found in the fabric. Wool tends to last longer too.
The web reveals the existence of numerous colours that have been churned out by various communities from all over the world. A person’s choice of colour is closely associated with one’s geographical location, oreintation or adaptation. However, a universally acceptable code commands our choices of colour where appeal is detected by eyes from every corner of the world. A good fashion show cannot fail to appeal to any keen or casual observer. Your dress code therefore goes a long way towards enhancing your general image and social outlook both officially and casually. A careful selection of colour and fabrics in your dressing greatly improves the impression you create in the outer world. Suggestions and hints are given here to help produce an exemplary look in you to strike that desirable look that befits businessmen or women.
Men tend to apply colour codes conservatively but are advised to try mix-matching and experiment on new shades of colour. You never know what colour will do for you and to you.

Navy Blue or blue outfits, moods and feelings

Outfits that come in navy blue or mid blue colour automatically strike a calm mood in both the wearer of the cloth and the observer. Blue is the colour we see in the waters of the sea (As a reflection of the sky in water) and the sky. The colour triggers a peaceful mood, a feeling of serenity, calmness or tranquility in the mind. The colour is claimed to have a calming effect on anybody who associates with it. There is an executive touch to this colour that makes it appeal to many fashion enthusiasts.


Ladies are advised to wear rose-coloured makeup to blend with their blue outfits for that perfect match.


That classic look that you desire will further be enhanced if you wear a light shade of pink lipstick.

Ear rings

These should match with either your eye’s colour or your lipstick shade. The size and design of the earring is however left to one’s choice.

Eye Colour

A feint cobalt blue or gold coloured shade of eye make-up will go well with your blue or navy blue suit.

Nail Vanish

Clear nail vanish is recommended. No hard rules exist here which implies that experiments are encouraged here. There are models who look splendid with nail vanish that matches their lipstick.

Hand bags

Choose a nice dark or dark-brown leather hand bag or brief case. Leather bags tend to be classy compared to synthetic imitations while imitations give a myriad of colours to suit your wardrobe.


These should be chosen in line with the colour of the handbag or brief case. Ensure a match between your shoe and bag.

Mix and match

Your blue suit requires a carefully chosen blouse or shirt to go with it. A poor selection of the two quickly waters down you general outlook. Take time to try out several shades from your wardrobe before you commit yourself. It is however suggested that you try wearing your Navy blue Suit with a Light-purple shirt or Blouse and a Red or navy blue stripped tie or scarf to strike that cool outlook.

curled from

Tuesday 6 May 2014


makeup for men

Yeah! I know most people will be surprised to hear about men makeup. Yes, men do apply makeup though it's rarely heard of in Africa. But think about it, when artists (movie/ music) are about to go on set, they apply makeup. Also, when male celebrities go out they apply makeups.

so how do we apply this makeup as men in order to be differentiated from women? Below are brief tips for male makeups

  • For men who have never cared for their skin before, start with deep exfoliation using the Clarisonic Sonic Skin Cleaning System and cleanse with Elemis Deep Cleanse Facial Wash. 
  • Most men have more delicate and sensitive skin than women due to the aggravating effects of shaving regularly. It is also more often drier, so we recommend a thick, oil-rich cream like Crème de la Mer that forms a comfort blanket on tired skin.
  • Apply a nourishing lip balm (Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm) all over the lips to keep them smooth and kissable!
  • To get brighter, more sparkly eyes, use eye drops (Visine, original formula).
  • Kanebo's Sensai Bronzing Gel can help men recreate a more healthy, tanned complexion.
  • Disguise bags and dark hollows under the eyes with YSL Touche Eclat for Men -- it reflects light away to get rid of the blue/dark purple appearance of circles and soft-focuses lines.
  • Eliminate blemishes and treat problem areas over time with Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clearing Concealer.
  • Using chocolate brown and deep brown-grey eyeliner will make the look more subtle. Applied right in the lash line, a powder-based liner will be harder to detect but will instantly bring out the eye color.
  • Cleverly applied bronzer and highlighter can also completely reshape the facial framework and give you the masculine square jaw and defined cheekbones you have always wanted.
curled from

Monday 5 May 2014

5 Steps to Melt-Proof Makeup

1. Prep with primer. For a fresh and dewy complexion that truly lasts all day, always prep with primer before applying foundation. Look for a primer that contains silicone (the key ingredient in most long-wearing formulas), which will act as a barrier between humidity and your skin.

2. Choose a silicone-based foundation. As with primers, silicone-based foundations are truly the longest wearing and the very best option when met with moisture.

3. Cream, please. Play off the heat and use a cream shadow and cream-based blush instead of powder versions. Cream products give you a nice, natural looking glow and they won’t get cakey. Look for long-wear versions for added insurance.

4. Use a waterproof concealer. If mascara is the only waterproof product in your makeup bag, then it’s time to do a little shopping. A densely pigmented, waterproof concealer will hide dark circles and blemishes, even in extreme heat.

5. Mind your lashes. For lush lashes and liner that won’t run, use a waterproof liquid liner and waterproof mascara. Raccoon eyes are never a cute look.

curled from