
Monday, 21 October 2013

Churches, mosques and religion: any significance to Nigerians
6 Churches in a single building

No doubt Nigeria is one of the most religious nations on this planet. From Christians to Muslims, traditionalists, Buddhists, Hindus etc., we have a lot of followers of these faiths. These religions are meant to manage our characters, believes, morals but one can say they have failed us. And why have they failed? They have failed because the leaders has lost their focus. Pastors, priests, imams etc. have all left their primary calling and embraced the number one worldly thing; money. The same money they preach to us is the root of all evil has taking center stage in our religious gatherings.

Each Nigerian street has atleast 2 churches with the mosques fast catching up with the trend. Hinduism and Buddhism are still scattered but are fast gaining audience among the ever desperate populace.

These religious gatherings are also used these days by the rich and wealthy to show off their wealth. From donations of cash in the tune of billions to donations of landed properties and automobiles one can visibly see what these organizations have turned to. An the leaders of these churches, they do not bother where these wealth is gotten from, afterall they can buy themselves private jets and live in luxury while the masses suffer.

My take is if this religious entities can revert to their original intents of drawing people to God, our country will be a far more better place. No religion from origin supports corruption or violence.

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