
Tuesday, 29 October 2013


 The Trobrianders : The tribe where kids start having sex at 6 – Papua, New Guinea

1. Widow inheritance
When a family man dies in the Lou community, in Kenya, there is something called a widow inheritance. This is when a widow must sleep with another man to cleanse the death of her husband and bring ritual renewal and regeneration.

2. Premarital sex allowed after parents approval
The inhabitants of Tonga (South Pacific) allow premarital intercourse with permission of the girl’s parents and the provision that conception won’t occur. If pregnancy occurs, the offending couple must walk around the village unclad for several days and apply a magic potion to the fence surrounding the community to prevent disease from infecting people.

3. Six-year-old girls allowed having sex
In Trobrianders tribe, Papua New Guinea, girls begin to have sex at the age of 6-8 and boys at the age of 10-12. However, having a meal together before marriage is forbidden.

4. Boys to stay away from girls for 10 years:
To become a man, boys from Sambia tribe in New Guinea are removed from all the females at the age of seven for 10 years. Among other traditions, they are required to ingest the semen of their elders.

5. Unnatural sex abstinence in Romania
Decent and upright women in Romania do not perform unnatural sex other than the classic missionary positions. Even if they wanted to, their lovers probably wouldn’t let them as it is believed it is something that only prostitutes do.

6. Adolescents allowed having sex
In Polynesia, adolescents of are instructed in sexual techniques by an older experienced person, and during this period, it is permissible to have numerous sexual liaisons before settling down. Special “pleasure houses” are built to provide young people with their own place to socialize and have intercourse.

7. Temporary Marriage:
In certain Muslim countries, a young couple who would like to have sex before they’re ready to marry can request a “temporary marriage”. They are allowed to pay for a short ceremony, with a written contract.

 8. Egypt strange sexual practices:
The ancient Egyptians were so inspired by the act of self-stimulation that at the festival of the god Min, who represented Pharaoh’s sexual potency, men seeking pleasure in public.

9. Polyandrous Society;
In Nepal, when families have more than one son, they simply marry all of their sons to one wife.

10. Pon:
In Indonesia, they celebrate a holiday called Pon. To receive such blessings, participants must spend the night with someone other than their husband or wife.

11. Sex with donkey:
In Northern Colombia, it is common practice for adolescent boys to have sex with donkeys. It is like a rite of passage that a boy has to pass to become a man.

12. Paid to break virginity:
In Guam, there’s a full time job for a man to break the woman’s virginity, and they’ve paid to do that, because in Guam law’s a virgin woman isn’t allowed to get married.

13.0Making love to animals:
In Lebanon, people are allowed to make love with a female animal, if one is caught having sex with a male animal; he will be punished to death.

14. Intimate cutting rituals to achieve manhood
The first portion of this Mardudjara Aboriginal rite in Australia, involves a barbaric circumcision. After he heals up, the male’s sex organ is cut lengthwise on the underside. Blood is then dripped over a fire in order to purify it.

15. Sex Haven
In Cambodia, the Kreung people encourage the sexual independence of their daughters by building separate huts for them to sleep in.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

"Where does ASUU expect FG to get the money from? - Uche Ifeanyi

I am surprised at your comment on Ajaero’s threat. Does ASUU understand the working of government?
After the year’s budget has been passed, where does ASUU want the money to come from? Earned allowance is the responsibility of university council and not Federal Government. Yet, government is assisting. ASUU is unreasonable and irrational and those of you supporting them should re-examine yourselves - 08038571431".
Culled from Dailysun newspaper of Tuesday 22/10/2013, page 26.

When you read some comments against a well articulated constructive criticism, you will see just how lamely some of us can be. No wonder, some people just resort to raining abuses and curses instead of offering superior counter argument. This fellow (08038571431) questioned, "where does ASUU expect the FG to get the money from after the year's budget has been passed?".

From his comment, is obvious he knows nothing about budgeting, the prerequisite and procedures, and i doubt if he had also heard of supplementary budgeting before. For your information Mr 08038571431, for someone to have said he/she had budgeted, he/she is assumed to have considered his/her challenges vis-a-vis solutions against his/her income in line with the period of time giving.

It is also obvious, you know not how Federal tertiary institutes operates. Do you think, if federal schools were to be autonomy we would be in this mess? if they manages their resources, pays their staffs, we are talking about schools that have well over 10000 students, even if their school fees is N25,000 per session, do the maths yourself. You never asked why do private owned institute flourishes, simple because the generated funds goes back into the institute.

Once again, let me educate this fellow on the issue at hand. ASUU is not making a demand for 2010 nor 2013, but of 2009 over an agreement signed and documented by both parties. If the FG had cared they had 2010, 2011, 2012 and this current 2013 to have included it in the budget. If they had been implementing just 25% of the said agreement each year, we wouldn't be at this fix. Even the demand ASUU is making according to their website is not for the said money be given to them, as many has had them misquoted and misunderstood, but for the FG to have those things put in place however they (FG) deems it right, just fix the sector.

Yes, we know agreements are not always 100% kept, but sincerity demands that the other party be briefed and begged for leniency before due, if in anyway the other can't meet up with the agreement due date.

Finally, Mr 08038571431, is only someone who careless of you will learnt of your thrice home check of him/her, and yet finds it less important to give a call-back. Use your tongue to count your teeth, but if you don't have tongue, try using your finger. This agreement has been on FG's table for the past four years, yet no look in, and you still blame ASUU over this situation for whatever reason you may have. Hope you are not a government stooge?
Article by Uche Ifeanyi (

Monday, 21 October 2013

Churches, mosques and religion: any significance to Nigerians
6 Churches in a single building

No doubt Nigeria is one of the most religious nations on this planet. From Christians to Muslims, traditionalists, Buddhists, Hindus etc., we have a lot of followers of these faiths. These religions are meant to manage our characters, believes, morals but one can say they have failed us. And why have they failed? They have failed because the leaders has lost their focus. Pastors, priests, imams etc. have all left their primary calling and embraced the number one worldly thing; money. The same money they preach to us is the root of all evil has taking center stage in our religious gatherings.

Each Nigerian street has atleast 2 churches with the mosques fast catching up with the trend. Hinduism and Buddhism are still scattered but are fast gaining audience among the ever desperate populace.

These religious gatherings are also used these days by the rich and wealthy to show off their wealth. From donations of cash in the tune of billions to donations of landed properties and automobiles one can visibly see what these organizations have turned to. An the leaders of these churches, they do not bother where these wealth is gotten from, afterall they can buy themselves private jets and live in luxury while the masses suffer.

My take is if this religious entities can revert to their original intents of drawing people to God, our country will be a far more better place. No religion from origin supports corruption or violence.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Woman's inhumanity to her fellow women

 Cruel: Angela Maier poisoned her friend and sister-in-law which saw them miscarry
Two pregnant woman miscarried after a jealous friend poisoned their drinks, a court in Austria has heard. Secretary Angela Maier, 26, was desperate to have a baby of her own but suffered three miscarriages. The depressed woman was consumed with jealousy when she then learned that her sister-in-law and best friend were pregnant.
Maier told a court in Klagenfurt, Austria: 'I couldn't stand the thought of them having babies who would be growing up when mine was dead. 'Mine should have been with them as well, but instead mine died while theirs went on.' She was suffering from depression as a result of her loss and the sight of her friend's impending births. The woman cruelly poisoned the expectant mothers' drinks with medicine she was prescribed after her miscarriage.

The court heard how the woman and her best friend had become pregnant at the same time, and had been shopping for baby clothes and planning together.The friend said: 'I asked for a glass of water, and she said she had a special drink for pregnant women, that she didn't need any more.

'A short while later I started to bleed, and then I lost the baby. When I found out what she had done, I wrote back and told her she was a murderer. I can't forgive her.' Two months later she invited her sister-in-law to visit and did the same thing again, mixing the medicine into her hot chocolate, and then 'watched me as I drank it', the victim told the court. The court heard it led to both pregnant women suffering miscarriages. Maier went on to have a baby of her own, and now has a three-year-old daughter. Eaten up with guilt at what she had done, and in the end she had written to both women to confess two years later after she learned that both were once again pregnant. She was sentenced by the court to 18 months in prison, with 14 suspended, after the court ruled that she was psychologically sound although she had, it accepted, been suffering from depression. Judge Michaela Sanin said: 'You maliciously took the lives of two unborn babies.'

- Curled from

"You need to sleep more" scientists say


We spend a third of our lives doing it. Now scientists have finally discovered why we need to spend so much time sleeping - it helps clear the mind of the day’s chemical  clutter. While our body is at rest, the brain is hard at work removing toxins produced during our waking hours. 
Left to build up, these compounds can result in Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. The researchers conclude the clean-up process is so energy intensive, it would hinder our thinking if done when we are awake - hence the need to sleep. ‘This study shows that the brain has different functional states when asleep and when awake,’ said lead researcher Dr Maiken Nedergaard, from the University of Rochester Medical Centre (URMC), in New York. ‘In fact, the restorative nature of sleep appears to be the result of the active clearance of the by-products of neural activity that accumulate during wakefulness.’The purpose of slumber has been debated for centuries, with Thomas Edison branding it ‘a criminal waste of time.’ And although practically every species needs to sleep, many have suggested it is a faulty evolutionary hang-up that makes us more vulnerable to predators. The team found that unlike the rest of the body, which depends on the lymphatic system to drain away toxins, the brain has its own separate method of rubbish removal. Scans on mice revealed the amount of energy used by the brain did not dramatically fall during sleep.This is because its cleaning activities increased 10-fold at times of rest, according to the researchers, who observed that significantly higher levels of toxins were also removed. The amount of brain power needed to clean up toxins means we would be unable to think clearly if the process took place during waking hours, the team speculated.
The findings, published in the journal Science, go some way to explain the biological purpose of sleep and could lead to new ways to treat neurological disorders.
‘The brain only has limited energy at its disposal and it appears that it must choice between two different functional states - awake and aware or asleep and cleaning up,’ said Dr Nedergaard.
‘You can think of it like having a house party. You can either entertain the guests or clean up the house, but you can’t really do both at the same time.’
And to aid the clean-up operation, scientists found brain cells can shrink by up to 60 per cent during slumber, to allow waste to be removed more effectively. They also observed that a hormone called noradrenaline is less active during sleep, suggesting it could be controlling the contraction and expansion of the brain’s cells during sleep-wake cycles. ‘These findings have significant implications for treating “dirty brain” diseases like Alzheimer’s,’ said Dr Nedergaard.‘Understanding precisely how and when the brain activates the glymphatic system [brain’s cleaning system] and clears waste is a critical first step in efforts to potentially modulate this system and make it work more efficiently.

Friday, 4 October 2013


The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera.The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography shows in blue the life force of the person leaving the body gradually.

According to Korotkov, navel and head are the parties who first lose their life force(which would be the soul) and the groin and the heart are the last areas where the spirit before surfing the phantasmagoria of the infinite. In other cases according to Korotkov has noted that “the soul” of people who suffer a violent and unexpected death usually manifests a state of confusion in your power settings and return to the body in the days following death. This could be due to a surplus of unused energy.

curled from consciouslifenews