Just as the name implies, this blog tend to air our lay man's understanding of what is happening around us. News reports, write ups, etc are proving to be very ambiguous these days so we will like to say it as we understand it.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
SEX Workers also on LinkedIn
The networking site tried to clamp down on the oldest profession earlier this year, but sex workers are still operating on Linkedin and have no plans to leave, finds Theo Merz
Log on to a social network "for professionals" and you can meet Emma, the self-employed escort and travel companion from London; or Matt, who offers “gay male sensual erotic massage” in New York; or Charlotte, the transexual Latina escort who visits clients across the globe.
This is not a specialist ‘pay-for-play’ listings site, but rather LinkedIn,
the world’s largest professional networking platform. And among the 238
million lawyers, management consultants, journalists, PRs and others with
profiles, there are hundreds like Emma, Matt and Charlotte using the network
to further their professional interests.
The exact number of sex workers are hard to find, especially since LinkedIn
clarified its ban on all prostitutes and escorts having profile pages on the
site earlier this year. In an update to their user agreement terms, the
company wrote: “Even if it is legal where you are located, [users cannot]
create profiles or provide content that promotes escort services or
---Curled from telegraph.co.uk
---Curled from telegraph.co.uk
United Nations weapons inspectors shot by snipers in Syria
U.S. and its allies say evidence of a chemical attack will have been
destroyed by government shelling of the area over the last five days,
and the Syrian offer to allow inspectors in came too late. A UN spokesman said: 'The first
vehicle of the Chemical Weapons Investigation Team was deliberately shot
at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area.' The
spokesman added: 'It has to be stressed again that all sides need to
extend their cooperation so that the team can safely carry out their
important work.'
The car was no longer serviceable and a replacement is being located. An MP called for Parliament to be recalled tomorrow to debate Britain's response to the growing crisis.
Andrew Bridgen, who sent a letter
signed by more than 80 of his Conservative colleagues demanding a vote
on any escalation of Britain's involvement earlier this year, said the
recall should be announced today and either David Cameron or William
Hague should make the case for action. He
said: 'In my opinion we need an immediate recall of Parliament to
debate any further involvement in this crisis. It's a complicated
conflict with potentially worldwide ramifications.' The Labour opposition are also calling for MPs to be summoned back to pre-approve any military action involving UK personnel.
As a military strike moved closer,
President Assad said in an interview with a Russian newspaper today that
any intervention in his country was doomed to fail.
14yrs old boy with the body of a 110yrs old man.
This might sound ridiculous but a rare disease called Progeria is wrecking havoc in a small family in India. Ali Hussai, 14yrs is suffering from this rare disease which has only 80 cases reported world wide. Two of his brothers and three of his sisters have died of thesame disease. He still has two healthy/ normal sisters alive. His parents Nabi, 50, and Razi, 46, are first cousins.
‘I very much want to live and I hope
there is medicine for my condition out there. I’m not scared of death
but my parents have suffered a lot,' he said.
'I’d love to live much longer for them. I don’t want to burden them with any more pain.’ Ali’s parents Nabi Hussain Khan, 50, and Razia, 46, are first cousins and were the product of an arranged marriage 32 years ago.
'I’d love to live much longer for them. I don’t want to burden them with any more pain.’ Ali’s parents Nabi Hussain Khan, 50, and Razia, 46, are first cousins and were the product of an arranged marriage 32 years ago.
Ali and his parents are now supported by a Kolkata-based charity called SB Devi Charity.
Dr Chandan Chattopadhyay, from Kolkata, introduced the family to the
organisation and now they help Ali pay for his medical needs.
spends all of his time with his mother and sisters, Sanjeeda, 20 and
Chanda, ten, and he believes there’s no one else like him in the world.
But when told about the famous annual Progeria Reunion, run by the Sunshine Foundation, he would love to attend.
‘It’s very lonely living this life, especially since my siblings have gone,' he added.
don’t know if there’s anyone else like me. I’d like to be in the
company of other people like me again. And I know my brother would be
proud of me for doing so.’
----curled from Dailymail.co.uk
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Over 1,300 people were killed in Syria as a direct result of the exposure of verve gas. UN believes this weapon was used by the Syrian government against the rebels.
Wikipedia - "Nerve agents are a class of phosphorus-containing organic chemicals (organophosphates) that disrupt the mechanism by which nerves transfer messages to organs. The disruption is caused by blocking acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that normally relaxes the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.
As chemical weapons, they are classified as weapons of mass destruction by the United Nations according to UN Resolution 687 (passed in April 1991) and their production and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993; the Chemical Weapons Convention officially took effect on April 29, 1997. The use of dangerous gases in warfare was forbidden by treaty already in the Geneva Protocol of 1925.
Poisoning by a nerve agent leads to contraction of pupils, profuse salivation, convulsions, involuntary urination and defecation, and eventual death by asphyxiation as control is lost over respiratory muscles. Some nerve agents are readily vaporized or aerosolized and the primary portal of entry into the body is the respiratory system. Nerve agents can also be absorbed through the skin, requiring that those likely to be subjected to such agents wear a full body suit in addition to a respirator".
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
In what will seem like a reverse of what happened in Scottland (click link) Egyptian Muslims protected catholic church from violence during Mass.Egyptian Muslims hold hands and form a protective circle around a Catholic Church, under threat from Islamist militant supporters of former-President Morsi from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Tensions between Christians and Muslim Brotherhood supporters have run high and grown violent following the ousting of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi earlier in July. Some Islamist militants have blamed the minority Christian population for supporting the ousting of Morsi, and have called on Morsi's supporters to gain revenge and attack their Christian counterparts.
According to multiple sources from organizations working in the region, since last Wednesday, nearly 60 churches across Egypt have been targeted by Islamist radicals, as well as Christian schools, homes, businesses, and an orphanage. Christian businesses in the city of Minya were reportedly marked with an "X" ahead of the attacks to single out the business as Christian. Additionally, The Christian Post reported on Sunday that Islamists in the city of Bani Suef torched a Christian school and paraded three nuns working at the school through the streets like "prisoners of war." The recent attacks in the country have resulted in the death of at least two Christians, including a 10-year-old girl walking home from bible school.
Islamist militants have been blaming Christians for the ousting of Morsi, and the country's security forces have been criticized for not bringing justice to attackers in multiple attacks on Copts. However, more recently the country's military have been using brute force against Morsi loyalists, who have been protesting in major cities such as Cairo, urging for the reinstatement of Morsi as president. Last week, security forces used bulldozers to clear out protest camps, reportedly killing over 100 people. Additionally, on Monday it was reported that at least 25 Egyptian soldiers were killed in northern Sinai by rocket-propelled grenades, allegedly launched by pro-Morsi protesters.
God is truly with us
------curled from http://www.christianpost.com/
Femi Fani Kayode is not fit to talk to the Igbos - Femi Aribisala
The year was 1965. I was an innocent starry-eyed 13 year-old
and Nigeria was in turmoil. It was the era of the “wetie,” when the
houses of politicians and key public-figures were burnt down in the
brouhaha that was then Western Nigeria.
We lived in Oke-Ado in Ibadan and our next-door neighbour was Chief
Ogundiran, a minister in the government of Chief S.L. Akintola, the
Premier of the Western Region. (Ogundiran was famous for only wearing
white.) In the spirit of the times, a mob came early one morning and
burnt down his house. He jumped out of the window and managed to escape.
Fani-Power, Fani-igbo: I was having private lessons in Mathematics at
the home of a colleague, Enitan Abiodun, when we heard the noise of a
crowd outside. We rushed to the veranda to see Chief Remi Fani-Kayode
(alias Fani-Power), then Deputy Governor of the Western Region, standing
on the seat of a moving convertible. He was surrounded by a mob, which
was shouting and hailing him.
On hearing the noise, Enitan’s mother rushed to the veranda shouting
“Awo!” only to discover that the people outside were not supporters of
Chief Obafemi Awolowo, but those of his arch-enemies. The shout of
“Awo!” by Mrs. Abiodun brought the procession to a screeching halt. “Who
said that? Who said that?” demanded the mob, enraged.
“Fani-Power” turned and looked up at us. His eyes were the usual
blood-shot red. At the time, many claimed it was because he regularly
smoked Indian-hemp. Fani-Kayode pointed to our building and identified
to his thugs that the offending shout came from our direction. We did
not know that the floor of the convertible he was standing in was loaded
with empty bottles.
His thugs reached for the bottles and rained them down on us as we
all scrambled back inside the house for dear life. Like father, like
son: That was 48 years ago. Today, Femi Fani-Kayode, the 53-year-old son
of “Fani-Power,” continues in the mischievous tradition of his father:
throwing dangerous missiles at the innocent. He recently wrote an
incendiary article entitled: “The Bitter Truth About the Igbo,” in which
he maligned the Igbos and virtually told them to get out of Lagos and
leave Lagos for the Yorubas.
What is peculiar about the article is that Femi Fani-Kayode himself
is no more Lagosian than the Igbos he berates. The Fani-Kayodes are not
from Lagos. They are from Ile-Ife in OsunState. Femi Fani-Kayode’s only
legitimate claim to Lagos is that he was born there. But then so were
many Igbos who are, therefore, Lagosians. Moreover, Igbo-Lagosians have
one up on Femi Fani-Kayode.
They live in Lagos. Femi Fani-Kayode does not. Igbo-Lagosians work in
Lagos and pay taxes to the LagosState government. Femi Fani-Kayode does
not. Therefore, what right does he have to write his diatribe against
them? What right does he have to maintain Lagos does not belong to
Igbo-Lagosians? Having thrown these bottles maliciously, Femi
Fani-Kayode decided to throw a few more.
He wrote another invective entitled: “A Word For Those Who Say I Am A
Tribalist.” In order to demonstrate that he was not anti-Igbo, he
presented the cliché that some of his best friends are Igbos. As proof,
he detailed three Igbo women (some of them happily-married) he claims to
have had affairs with. Only God knows how this shows he is not biased
against the Igbos.
Slave-traders slept with their slaves. Is that proof they were not
racist? The jury is out already. Femi Fani-Kayode is a bigoted
tribalist. Only a tribalist can say he is not anti-Igbo and then say
this about the Igbos: “(They are) collectively unlettered, uncouth,
uncultured, unrestrained and crude in all their ways.” “They have no
restraining factors because money and the acquisition of wealth is their
sole objective and purpose in life.”
Clearly, Femi Fani-Kayode is out of control. He has become something
of a train-wreck. He was President Obasanjo’s agent-provocateur for so
long, where he maligned elder-statesmen like Yakubu Gowon; he no longer
knows how to speak with decorum. The American model: I am Yoruba.
Nevertheless, I repeat; the Igbos of Lagos are Lagosians. They are
Lagosians whether ethnic jingoists like Femi Fani-Kayode like it or not.
The Lagos branch of the old Action Congress of Nigeria acknowledged
that no less than 45% of the population of Lagos is Igbo.
That is a fact that cannot be ignored or simply wished-away. It is
not improbable that, in a few years time, the majority of people living
in Lagos will be Igbos. Short of changing the Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, that tells me an Igbo man can rightfully
become the future Governor of Lagos State. That should give some
food-for-thought to the Fani-Kayodes.
The system of government in Nigeria is modeled after that of the
United States. In the U.S., Hilary Clinton is a native of Illinois.
Nevertheless, in 2000 she contested for election as Senator in New York
and won. She was eligible to run for the seat simply because she and her
husband moved to New York and lived there for only one year. Similarly,
some Ibos have been in Lagos for 50 years.
That should make them eligible to run for office. If they vote the
ethnic card, as Yorubas often do, Femi Fani-Kayode might have a
heart-attack. An Igbo man might conceivably become the Governor of Lagos
State. That is what democracy is all about. The growing political
muscle of Igbo-Lagosians has been obscured by electoral malpractices.
That cannot last forever. Sooner than later, Igbo-Lagosians will start
to pull their political weight in Lagos.
True indigenes of Lagos, as opposed to carpet-baggers like the
Fani-Kayodes, have traditionally been open-minded about Igbos and
non-indigenes. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, a Nigerian nationalist who happened
to be Igbo, once won an election in Lagos, before Awolowo appealed to
tribal politics to truncate it.
Grudging acknowledgement of the growing political clout of the Igbos
led to the appointment of a token Igbo man, Pastor Ben Akabueze, as
Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget in Lagos by Governor
Babatunde Fashola; a post he has held for six years. Femi Fani-Kayode
should have gone to court to challenge that appointment.
Soon, such tokenism will just not cut it. Igbo-Lagosians will demand a
more proportionate share of the local political power. If they play
their cards right, they will get it. Igbo-Lagosians vote in Lagos.
Therefore, they can be voted for in Lagos. No constitutional amendment
is required to bring this about. Given his educational background, one
would have expected Fani-Kayode to be more enlightened. A Nigerian
cannot be an alien in Nigeria. An Igbo man cannot be an alien in Lagos.
Igbos are not illegal aliens in Lagos.
They are at home. In Nigeria, a Nigerian is entitled to live wherever
he wants. If the resources of the Niger-Delta can be Nigerianised to
the benefit of Yoruba-Lagosians, then Lagos cannot be the exclusive
preserve of Yoruba-Lagosians. Since Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians,
then Lagos belongs to all Nigerians. During the census enumeration, some
of us insisted that Igbos must stay and be counted in Lagos for that
very reason.
Since Igbo-Lagosians are a significant part of the local population
who contribute immensely to key sectors of the economy, the national
census must reflect the fact that they live and work in Lagos. I
recently visited London after a ten-year absence. What I saw was a
highly cosmopolitan city with people of different nationalities,
including Nigerians. London is no longer a town of the English.
It is now a megalopolis in the true sense of the word. On several
occasions, I overheard people speaking Yoruba in the streets of London.
On one occasion, I could not resist the urge to interject, even though
uninvited. Nigerians are everywhere. On a visit in May 2013 to
WashingtonD.C., United States for the Nigerian Development and Finance
Forum, under the auspices of Financial Nigeria Limited, I was informed
by the Deputy Ambassador of Nigeria to the United States that there are
currently five million Nigerians in the U.S.
There are even more Nigerians in Sudan; over eight million. Nigerians
constitute a significant percentage of the population of Cote d’Ivoire.
There are more Nigerians in Equatorial Guinea than Equatorial-Guineans.
There is no country on planet earth where you will not find a sizeable
population of Nigerians. U.N. projections predict that Nigeria will soon
be the fourth largest country in the world, surpassed by only China,
India and the United States. Under such circumstances, a Nigerian like
Femi Fani-Kayode should not be hankering after a small real-estate
called Lagos.
Nigerians must become citizens of the world. Joseph was a Jewish
slave in Egypt. Nevertheless, he rose to become the Egyptian
Prime-Minister. That happened in biblical days, and not twenty-first
century Egypt. More recently in 2008, Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan,
became president of the United States. In 2010, John Abraham Godson, a
Nigerian-born Polish citizen became a Member of Parliament in Poland.
In April, 2013, Cecile Kyenge, born in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, became the Minister of Integration of the Republic of Italy.
Surely, Femi Fani-Kayode cannot discern these signs of the times.
Especially, the new Nigeria. M.K.O. Abiola, a Yoruba man, won his famous
presidential election in 1993 by relying on Hausa, Fulani, Igbo and
other votes. He was not just elected by Yorubas.
Yorubas did not even vote for Olusegun Obasanjo in 1999. He became
President by relying on northern, eastern and south-south votes.
Goodluck Jonathan became president in 2011 by forging a coalition that
stretched across the Niger and the Benue to all parts of Nigeria. When
Odumegwu Ojukwu died, the entire nation of Nigeria consoled the Igbos.
Collectively, we declared with one voice that the civil war is truly
over. We must not allow the Femi Fani-Kayodes to turn back the clock.
Next time Femi Fani-Kayode wants to tell us “the bitter truth,” he
should tell us about N19.5 billion Aviation Fund mismanaged under his
watch as Minister of Aviation under the Obasanjo administration. That is
the bitter truth we need to hear from him right now.
•Femi Aribisala, commentator on public policy and faith issues, is
the fellowship coordinator of Healing Wings, a pentecostal Christian
Source: Premium Times
Is Brandy that infamous in Africa? She literary played to an empty stadium
on the closing day of the Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day in Johannesburg,
South Africa. This stadium is supposed to seat 90,000 people but no more than
40 people listened to her. T a point, she had to walk out of the staged feeling
"Brandy [just] performed to an empty stadium. With the stadium lights
on," tweeted an aghast South African musician, Kabomo. "People didn't
know there was a concert after the games. No one knew Brandy was around. Maybe
a 40 people audience ... She sulked after two songs and walked off."
The American R&B star was a surprise guest at the Nelson Mandela Sport
and Culture Day, held at the 90,000-capacity FNB stadium in Soweto. Although
tens of thousands of people filled the arena for football and rugby matches,
including a game pitting South African football legends against Italian masters
such as Emiliano Salvetti and Marco Ballota, the audience trickled out during
the music segment. After performances by David Jenkins, Elvis Blue, Salif Keita
and D'Banj, there was almost no one left for Brandy.
Neither Brandy nor the concert promoters have commented on the gig. By most
accounts, it wasn't Brandy's fault – her fans simply didn't know she was
playing. Brandy is popular in Africa and has performed there before, much like
in the UK, where she is due to return on 24 September. Although the singer's
newest record, Two Eleven, reached only No 87 on the UK album charts, 1998's
Never Say Never remains an R&B classic: it has sold more than 16m copies
But dem no try o! dem for just listen to am weda she try or not. Lol!
Why I resigned, Ex-pope Benedict speaks
The former pope Benedict has claimed that his resignation in
February was prompted by God, who told him to do it during a "mystical
experience". Breaking his silence for the first time since he
became the first pope to retire in 600 years, the 86-year-old reportedly
said: "God told me to" when asked what had pushed him to retire to a
secluded residence in the Vatican gardens. Benedict denied he had
been visited by an apparition or had heard God's voice, but said he had
undergone a "mystical experience" during which God had inspired in him
an "absolute desire" to dedicate his life to prayer rather than push on
as pope. The German ex-pontiff's comments, which were allegedly
made a few weeks ago, were reported by the Catholic news agency Zenit,
which did not name the person Benedict had spoken to.
A senior Vatican source said the report was reliable. "The report seems credible. It accurately explains the spiritual process that brought Benedict to resign," he said. Benedict said his mystical experience had lasted months, building his desire to create a direct and exclusive relationship with God. Now, after witnessing the "charisma" of his successor, Pope Francis, Benedict said he understood to a greater extent how his stepping aside was the "will of God". Benedict's reported remarks contrast with the explanation he gave to cardinals when he announced his resignation on 11 February. "My strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry," he said then. At the time, a German journalist who had recently met Benedict reported he was going deaf, appeared to be blind in one eye, and was emaciated and "exhausted-looking".
Speculation also grew that he was depressed after his trusted butler, Paolo Gabriele, was caught leaking his personal correspondence. Italian press reports have recently claimed he was frustrated by a network of influence built up at the Vatican by a pro-gay lobby of prelates. Zenit reported that Benedict has stuck to his plan to live a life of secluded prayer, receiving very few visitors at his house in the Vatican's gardens which enjoys views across Rome to the Apennine mountains beyond. "During these meetings, the ex-pontiff does not comment, does not reveal secrets, does not make statements that could be understood as 'the words of the other pope', but is as reserved as he has always been," wrote Zenit. After concerns were raised that Benedict would exert undue influence at the Vatican as his successor struggled to find his feet, Francis's popular approach and his shakeup of Vatican protocols have relegated Benedict to the sidelines. Francis has even joked about the situation, saying in July: "The last time there were two or three popes, they didn't talk among themselves and they fought over who was the true pope!" Having Benedict living in the Vatican, he added, "is like having a grandfather – a wise grandfather – living at home." Francis's first encyclical, issued in July, was started by Benedict while he was in office and finished by his successor.
Benedict took his first day trip out of the Vatican on 18 August, walking in the gardens at the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, outside Rome, where he stayed after his retirement while his new house was being refurbished. Benedict did not risk running into Francis, who has preferred to stay at his desk at the Vatican during the summer.
-----curled from http://www.theguardian.com
A senior Vatican source said the report was reliable. "The report seems credible. It accurately explains the spiritual process that brought Benedict to resign," he said. Benedict said his mystical experience had lasted months, building his desire to create a direct and exclusive relationship with God. Now, after witnessing the "charisma" of his successor, Pope Francis, Benedict said he understood to a greater extent how his stepping aside was the "will of God". Benedict's reported remarks contrast with the explanation he gave to cardinals when he announced his resignation on 11 February. "My strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry," he said then. At the time, a German journalist who had recently met Benedict reported he was going deaf, appeared to be blind in one eye, and was emaciated and "exhausted-looking".
Speculation also grew that he was depressed after his trusted butler, Paolo Gabriele, was caught leaking his personal correspondence. Italian press reports have recently claimed he was frustrated by a network of influence built up at the Vatican by a pro-gay lobby of prelates. Zenit reported that Benedict has stuck to his plan to live a life of secluded prayer, receiving very few visitors at his house in the Vatican's gardens which enjoys views across Rome to the Apennine mountains beyond. "During these meetings, the ex-pontiff does not comment, does not reveal secrets, does not make statements that could be understood as 'the words of the other pope', but is as reserved as he has always been," wrote Zenit. After concerns were raised that Benedict would exert undue influence at the Vatican as his successor struggled to find his feet, Francis's popular approach and his shakeup of Vatican protocols have relegated Benedict to the sidelines. Francis has even joked about the situation, saying in July: "The last time there were two or three popes, they didn't talk among themselves and they fought over who was the true pope!" Having Benedict living in the Vatican, he added, "is like having a grandfather – a wise grandfather – living at home." Francis's first encyclical, issued in July, was started by Benedict while he was in office and finished by his successor.
Benedict took his first day trip out of the Vatican on 18 August, walking in the gardens at the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, outside Rome, where he stayed after his retirement while his new house was being refurbished. Benedict did not risk running into Francis, who has preferred to stay at his desk at the Vatican during the summer.
-----curled from http://www.theguardian.com
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Muslim prayers conducted in a Church
The clergy man said: 'Praying is never wrong. My job is to encourage people to pray. The mosque was so full at times, there would be people outside in the wind and rain praying. I knew I couldn't just let this happen - because I would be abandoning what the Bible teaches us about how we should treat our neighbors. When I spoke to people at the church about the situation, someone actually said to me this was not our problem, but I had seen it with my own eyes, so it was a problem. Rev Poobalan said: 'They were out there praying and the snow came on for the first time in winter, it was really hard to watch. 'When they were doing the prayer they had their hands and feet exposed and they were sitting on on the pavement, which is very rough. You could even see them breathing because it was so cold and I think when I saw that, the visual impact was such that I just couldn't walk past. It felt wrong, mainly because the church is next door, it's a big building and it remains empty on a Friday lunchtime which is when they need the place most as that's when they are at their busiest. We had something we could offer and they were just standing out in the cold and I said to my congregation "we need to do something".Rev Poobalan said he wanted the move to help build bridges between Christians and Muslims after some initial resistance from his congregation about the move.
Rev Poobalan, 50, said being surrounded by Islam while growing up in India helped break down the divide for worshippers of two religions praying together in Aberdeen.
Sheikh Ahmed Megharbi of the Syed Shah Mustafa Jame Masjid mosque said: 'What happens here is special and there should be no problem repeating this across the country.
'The relationship is friendly and respectful.'
Can this happen in Naija?
---curled from www.dailymail.co.uk
Chinese man pays 10,000 yuan ($US1,600) fine in Coins
Bank workers in Kunming spent eight hours counting 5,000 yuan in one jiao (0.1 yuan) coins thanks to a Chinese man who paid an assault fine with some serious spite.
Last year, a woman with the surname Wu was eating at a noodle shop where she and her husband reportedly got into an altercation with the owner (from the Shanghaiist via NetEase). The argument turned physical, with Wu suffering a brain contusion and her husband leaving with three broken ribs. A court awarded Wu damages. After paying her the bulk of the 68,000 yuan ($US11,000) fine, the noodle restaurant owner gave the remaining 10,000 yuan ($US1,600) in eight large bags of coins. Wu deposited half of the change, which took 18 peeved bank workers all day. Though, this means that Wu is still chilling with a few hundred bucks of Chinese dimes.
Shey una want money, una go count tire today! Lol!!!
Monday, 19 August 2013
Anambra State Election. Regardless of the recent disqualifications, who do you think can govern us well? A. Soludo B. Ngige C. Andy Uba D. Ifeanyi Uba E. Uche Ekwunife. We need answers followed by constructive criticism/ reasons. Please all responds should be based on facts.
Beauty as a disadvantage
if person ugly na wahala, if you fine na wahala to? 27 year old architect Nina Siahkali Moradi finished 14th among 163candidates in a city council election in Iran but was told a week later that all votes for her were nullified.
According to The Times of London, after news spread that Moradi had been elected, religious conservatives petitioned to have her disqualified because she’s ‘too attractive.’ and would be a cause of distraction. “We don’t want a catwalk model on the council,” a senior official in Qazvin said.
The review board later claimed Nina was disqualified not because she was too attractive but because of her ‘non-observance of Islamic codes’. Some who opposed her election said she had only been elected because she is young and attractive.
A law expert in Qazvin, told Iran Wire that the review board violated election law with its decision to bar Moradi from taking a seat.
Friday, 16 August 2013
Nigerian student caught and jailed while having a "Sham Marrigae"
Nigerian student Chinedu Amadi (27) was caught and arrested while having a sham wedding with a Hungarian woman, Szilvia Basco-Porkolab (38). Officers suspected the marriage was fake because the couples appeared to be too affectionate. He was to marry another woman until last minute switch was made by the fixer. Chinedu paid the Hungarian lady £5,000 to a "fixer" to arrange this marriage. Chinedu has been sentenced to 20 months imprisonment while Szilvia was sented to 34 months imprisonment.
Nigerian Chinedu Amadi arrived at
Leicester Registry Office to marry a complete stranger who donned a traditional white wedding
gown for the occasion but unknown to them Home Office investigators who were tipped off by a
suspicious registrar and lay in wait in a side room for the pair to
arrive. After their arrest, investigators
discovered Basco-Porkolab was involved in an earlier sham marriage to
another Nigerian, Ikechukwu Egbe, at Greta Green in May 2011.
Naija I hail o!!!
Area 51 - US secret UFO Base
The existence of Area 51, the US airbase rumoured to house UFOs, along with
details of some of the strange activities that went on there have been
officially acknowledged in newly released CIA documents.
Its existence has been a badly kept secret for decades and it has fuelled the
imaginations of conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters around the world. Now the existence of Area 51 has been officially acknowledged by the Central
Intelligence Agency and its exact location revealed in Nevada.
Documents released by the CIA also reveal that there really has been some
strange occurrences at the secret airbase – however, they are not quite as
exciting as UFO hunters would like.
Among the jobs that staff at the site had to perform during the 1960s was a
routine of vacuuming the runway to allow experimental aircraft to take off
without damaging their engines. Previously the US government has provided minimal information about Area 51
and most mentions of it are redacted in documents that are declassified. Official maps usually only show a disused mine at the site or a large area of
restricted airspace, however it does not feature on Google Maps and in
satellite images. However, in a set of documents released to a researcher studying the history
of the U-2 spy plane program, the secret base is officially revealed. A line drawn map contained within the reports show the location of Area 51 and
Groom Lake, the salt flat the base is built upon, in relation to the Mojave
Desert. They also provide details on how the site was first established as part of a
wider Atomic Energy Commission test site. However, the documents make no mention of UFOs nor the secret weapons that
many believe are being developed there. Jeffrey Richelson, a senior fellow at the George Washington University’s
National Security Archive who obtained the records, said the new documents
seemed to suggest the CIA were becoming less secretive about Area 51’s
existence. The documents were released in response to a Freedom of Information Request
made in 2005. An earlier 2002 request resulted in documents that were
heavily redacted.
In a blog posted on the research organisation’s website, Mr Richelson said: “What the CIA released in response to a 2005 Freedom of Information Act request is a substantially less redacted version of a history of two key aerial reconnaissance programs. “The latest release is notable for the significant amount of newly declassified material with respect to the U-2 — with regard to names of pilots, codenames and cryptonyms, locations, funding and cover arrangements, electronic countermeasures equipment, organisation, cooperation with foreign governments, and operations, particularly in Asia.” The mentions of Area 51 were contained in documents detailing the history of the U-2 and Oxcart spay plane programs were written in 1992 by Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, who were historians at the CIA.
A heavily redacted version of the history was published in 1998 with a more detailed version released under the Freedom of Information Act in 2002.
The latest version to be released shows that Area 51 is mentioned on at least 12 pages, including a map.
One of the first mentions describe how two senior project staff on the U-2 had been flying over Nevada when they spotted an old airstrip near Groom Lake. It describes how the facility had been used during World War Two as an aerial gunnery for the Army Air Corp pilots. President Dwight Eisenhower later approved “this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Atomic Energy Commissions Nevada test site and training range. It also states that to make the facility more attractive to workers there, it was named Paradise Ranch, or sometimes the Ranch. A poor quality photograph of “The Ranch” is also included.The documents also mention how a Military Air Transport Service flight crashed in 1955 at Area 51 killing 14 people.They also provide detailed history about tests and missions of the U-2 plane from Area 51, along with information about the aircrafts use in other parts of the world.
Radar tests of what would later become the SR71 Blackbird were also carried out with a mock up of the plane placed on top of tall pylons.
Area 51 was later upgraded to assist testing of this aircraft under the Oxcart program.
To transport the aircraft to the site in 1962, a specially designed 35ft wide, 100ft long trailer costing $100,000 was used.Road signs had to be removed, road banks were levelled and trees trimmed to help transport the plane safely – possibly providing an explanation for some of the phenomena attributed to UFOs in the area. There are some amusing mentions of life at the secret US base. During testing of Oxcart in 1963, Area 51 personnel had to “sweep and vacuum the runway” before the aircraft took off to prevent damage to the engine.
There are, however, some mentions of Area 51 that remain blanked out and this will doubtless provide more than enough fuel to conspiracy theorists.According to some conspiracy theorists, Area 51 has served as a research site for a range of exotic weapons and technologies.Most famously, it is said to be the US government’s centre for research on aliens and UFOs.A crashed alien spacecraft, along with other alien material supposedly recovered from Roswell, New Mexico, is widely rumoured to be stored there. Eye-witnesses have regularly reported seeing UFOs that twist and turn in the skies over the base.The site has made many appearances in films about aliens, including Independence Day.A notorious group of government agents known as the Men in Black are also said to be stationed there to help keep UFO sightings secret.
---Curled from dailymail.com
In a blog posted on the research organisation’s website, Mr Richelson said: “What the CIA released in response to a 2005 Freedom of Information Act request is a substantially less redacted version of a history of two key aerial reconnaissance programs. “The latest release is notable for the significant amount of newly declassified material with respect to the U-2 — with regard to names of pilots, codenames and cryptonyms, locations, funding and cover arrangements, electronic countermeasures equipment, organisation, cooperation with foreign governments, and operations, particularly in Asia.” The mentions of Area 51 were contained in documents detailing the history of the U-2 and Oxcart spay plane programs were written in 1992 by Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, who were historians at the CIA.
A heavily redacted version of the history was published in 1998 with a more detailed version released under the Freedom of Information Act in 2002.
The latest version to be released shows that Area 51 is mentioned on at least 12 pages, including a map.
One of the first mentions describe how two senior project staff on the U-2 had been flying over Nevada when they spotted an old airstrip near Groom Lake. It describes how the facility had been used during World War Two as an aerial gunnery for the Army Air Corp pilots. President Dwight Eisenhower later approved “this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Atomic Energy Commissions Nevada test site and training range. It also states that to make the facility more attractive to workers there, it was named Paradise Ranch, or sometimes the Ranch. A poor quality photograph of “The Ranch” is also included.The documents also mention how a Military Air Transport Service flight crashed in 1955 at Area 51 killing 14 people.They also provide detailed history about tests and missions of the U-2 plane from Area 51, along with information about the aircrafts use in other parts of the world.
Radar tests of what would later become the SR71 Blackbird were also carried out with a mock up of the plane placed on top of tall pylons.
Area 51 was later upgraded to assist testing of this aircraft under the Oxcart program.
To transport the aircraft to the site in 1962, a specially designed 35ft wide, 100ft long trailer costing $100,000 was used.Road signs had to be removed, road banks were levelled and trees trimmed to help transport the plane safely – possibly providing an explanation for some of the phenomena attributed to UFOs in the area. There are some amusing mentions of life at the secret US base. During testing of Oxcart in 1963, Area 51 personnel had to “sweep and vacuum the runway” before the aircraft took off to prevent damage to the engine.
There are, however, some mentions of Area 51 that remain blanked out and this will doubtless provide more than enough fuel to conspiracy theorists.According to some conspiracy theorists, Area 51 has served as a research site for a range of exotic weapons and technologies.Most famously, it is said to be the US government’s centre for research on aliens and UFOs.A crashed alien spacecraft, along with other alien material supposedly recovered from Roswell, New Mexico, is widely rumoured to be stored there. Eye-witnesses have regularly reported seeing UFOs that twist and turn in the skies over the base.The site has made many appearances in films about aliens, including Independence Day.A notorious group of government agents known as the Men in Black are also said to be stationed there to help keep UFO sightings secret.
---Curled from dailymail.com
Thursday, 15 August 2013
The 94,000 horsepower vessel could reach speeds of more than 30 knots, or 35mph. French interior designer Christophe Leoni was briefed to produce a sophisticated and yet timeless interior with a turn-of-the-century, Empire style. It is likely to match the luxury of Abraovich's Eclipse, which features an armour-plated master suite, two swimming pools, two helipads, a hall, a cinema, a mini-submarine and even its own missile defence system. Abramovich has owned Eclipse, which is valued at £740million, since it was launched in 2010. The size of superyachts has grown as billionaires compete to own the largest and its builders boast that Azzam, which means dedication in Arabic, is the 'most complex and challenging yacht that has ever been built'.
It was designed by Nauta Yachts and constructed in Bremen by Lurssen - she was floated out in April. The firm's Peter Lurssen said: 'She truly represents another milestone in yachting history.' The yacht requires a staff of 50, and interior features include a 29ft salon and a stunning, open-plan interior. It took the title of world's biggest private yacht from the 454ft Rising Sun, owned by American businessman Larry Ellison, which in turn took over from the 414ft Octopus, owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Azzam's design suggests it has been built for a buyer in the Middle East as it has about 50 suites but no large open spaces on deck, said TheYachtPhoto's Peter Seyfferth.
At 590.6ft long, Azzam is longer than 12 double-decker buses parked end-to-end.
At her widest point, known as the beam, Azzam measures 68.2ft, while her hull is 15.8ft deep.
She's heavier than Eclipse, too, with estimated gross tonnage of 14,000GT - roughly equivalent to 1,750 adult African elephants.
Powered by two gas turbines and two diesel engines, she boasts 94,000 horsepower and a top speed in excess of 30 knots.
Azzam's fuel tank can hold one million litres and she will have a similar top speed.
It took the world's top engineers one year to design Azzam and three years to build her - but this is considered very quick in building terms.
Interior features will include a 29ft salon and a stunning, open-plan interior.
French interior designer Christophe Leoni was briefed to produce a sophisticated and yet timeless interior with a turn-of-the-century, Empire style.
Roman Abramovich's Eclipse is 533.1ft long and 72.2ft wide, and has an estimated gross tonnage of 13,500GT.
She has four diesel engines and a maximum speed of 22 knots, which means Azzam will far outstrip her should the billionaire owners decide to have a race.
The yacht can accommodate 36 guests in comfort, and boasts a cinema, conference facilities, children's playroom, beauty salon, dance floor, swimming pool and sauna.
Built by Blohm +Voss Shipyards and designed inside and out by Terence Disdale, Eclipse was custom-made for the Chelsea oligarch in 2010.
Both ships are so huge, they would have trouble fitting into the majority of the world's marinas. Only a handful, including Monaco and Antibes on the Riviera would be large enough to accommodate them.
However, despite Azzam eclipsing Eclipse today, neither of them comes close to the Titanic in terms of scale. Built in 1912, the ill-fated Titanic was 882ft long and 92ft wide.
---Curled from Dailymail
At her widest point, known as the beam, Azzam measures 68.2ft, while her hull is 15.8ft deep.
She's heavier than Eclipse, too, with estimated gross tonnage of 14,000GT - roughly equivalent to 1,750 adult African elephants.
Powered by two gas turbines and two diesel engines, she boasts 94,000 horsepower and a top speed in excess of 30 knots.
Azzam's fuel tank can hold one million litres and she will have a similar top speed.
It took the world's top engineers one year to design Azzam and three years to build her - but this is considered very quick in building terms.
Interior features will include a 29ft salon and a stunning, open-plan interior.
French interior designer Christophe Leoni was briefed to produce a sophisticated and yet timeless interior with a turn-of-the-century, Empire style.
Roman Abramovich's Eclipse is 533.1ft long and 72.2ft wide, and has an estimated gross tonnage of 13,500GT.
She has four diesel engines and a maximum speed of 22 knots, which means Azzam will far outstrip her should the billionaire owners decide to have a race.
The yacht can accommodate 36 guests in comfort, and boasts a cinema, conference facilities, children's playroom, beauty salon, dance floor, swimming pool and sauna.
Built by Blohm +Voss Shipyards and designed inside and out by Terence Disdale, Eclipse was custom-made for the Chelsea oligarch in 2010.
Both ships are so huge, they would have trouble fitting into the majority of the world's marinas. Only a handful, including Monaco and Antibes on the Riviera would be large enough to accommodate them.
However, despite Azzam eclipsing Eclipse today, neither of them comes close to the Titanic in terms of scale. Built in 1912, the ill-fated Titanic was 882ft long and 92ft wide.
---Curled from Dailymail
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Substituting truth for Politics
I have taken a careful look at the ongoing crisis of
deportation within the country and have somehow refused to join issues with
anybody on it. This is greatly because almost everybody I have heard is
speaking from a biased point of view. Reading Fani_kayode’s article on this
issue also broke my heart. A supposedly respected citizen like him shouldn’t
have written such inciting article especially at this time when tension is
rising among all parties involved. The other day Akwa Ibom state allegedly
deported people to Lagos, so as Cross River state.
The main issues that needs to be discussed here are “are
there laws on these deportations? If there are no laws, what necessitated these
deportations? How are the processes of these deportations managed?”. These are
issues that need to be addressed instead of politicizing this issue. Some people
in my office are of the opinion that the Igbos should go back to their land and
leave Lagos alone (none of these persons are from Lagos though they are Yorubas).
Others pray for the splitting of the country
into 3 parts i.e. Southwest, North and South-South/ South East. Ironically these
people are young men and women who should be the future of this country. And I ask:
“Are the many ethnic groups in our country our problem or is separation/
division of the country the solution”?
My answer to the two questions above is “NO”. The reason for
my answer to both question is the same. Ethnicity has never been our problem rather
it has been our only hope. Separations will never be a solution rather it will
be the beginning of a more complex
problem. Let me break it down. Umuleri and Aguleri (border towns) have been up
in arms since God knows when. These are two Igbo communities that have almost
everything in common. Ijaws and Itshekiris have been enemies for a very long
time. Ife and Modakeke are two towns that have been in crises
since I was born. Bokoharam which claims to be fighting for the Muslims is
bombing mosques and killing Muslims. Rivers state crisis where almost all
parties involved (including the first lady) are from Rivers state. These are
just some of the intra crisis rocking group of people with the same ethnicity
and/or religion. If the country is divided, these groups will undoubtedly
remain together and these fights will worsen. Abia state government sacks non-indigenes
from their civil service and nobody is making an issue out of it. If any
southwest state does the same it will surely become an issue. Does these mean
that we select what we want from a group of related bad scenarios?
My good people, our real problem is GREED and
SELF-CENTEREDNESS. These vises gave birth of the politics of corruption and bigotism.
Let us stop politicizing issues that affect us directly as well as issues that will
affect our unborn generation. When we hear young people speaking of dividing
the country or supporting deportation of Nigerian citizens or laying more emphasis
on their ethnicity and/or religion than
on the good of the whole country, then we know that the future of this country
is as oblique as our present state. When you hear young men and women basing
their choice of a candidate based on ethnicity/ religion instead of on
integrity and a proven record of industriousness; then we know that our problem
is far from being solved. Let us learn to treat issues with Nigeria as a whole
in mind, with our future and the future of the unborn generation in mind.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
10 Hilarious though TRUE facts about Women's BREASTS
1. Human breasts are the only breasts that develop in puberty and
remain permanently enlarged. Other living creatures’ breasts grow during
lactation and disappears afterwards.
2. On average on breast is bigger than the other at 39.7millimeters.
3. Shape of the mother’s breast determines how well the baby
speaks. That is, scientists believe that the shape of the human breast
influenced the development of our infants’ palates and oral motor
skills, which then facilitated our ability to form words.
4. Men can’t think straight after viewing HUGE breasts! Research
has shown that men perform poorly on cognitive tests after viewing
images of top-heavy women.
5. Breasts are the last organs to develop in the human body.
6. Women with bigger breasts mate more than the ones with smaller breasts.
7. Breast milk can protect against diabetes and cancer.
8. The breast keeps growing new cells throughout our lives.
9. Women will enjoy their breasts if they can keep off gasoline fumes, exhaust fumes and cigarettes.
Indian Baby's Body Burns by itself
A three-month-old baby boy is recovering in hospital after allegedly spontaneously catching fire - for the fourth time. Rahul, was admitted for treatment of ten degree burns at an intensive care unit in Chennai, India last week, and doctors at the hospital say he suffers from 'spontaneous human combustion'. Medical staff alleges that - for the fourth time in his short life - Rahul has burst into flames with no external source of ignition.
According to doctors Rahul may have caught fire due to the excretion of gases through his skin, which has led to him suffering burns on his chest and head.
‘The baby is stable and treatment is on for burn injuries and scars. Life-saving support systems are there for Rahul in the intensive care unit,’ said R. Narayana Babu, head of pediatrics at the hospital. He told IBN Live that the baby will be under observation and may be discharged after two weeks depending on his condition. Rahul, from Villupuram, an area 100miles from Chennai, suffered the first incident when he was just nine days old.
People thought I set him on fire deliberately,’ his mother, Rajeswari told IBN Live.
According to the parents, their community ostracized them, and Rahul’s father, a farm worker, says they have lost everything as a result of his son's condition. Rajeswari alleges that Rahul has suffered four episodes of spontaneous fire and suffered burn injuries, the last incident taking place last month. However, doctors at Kilpauk Medical College Hospital in Chennai treating Rahul say they only have the mother's version of events to go on as the baby boy does not have any medical records. 'The baby has to be carefully observed. We have to investigate whether the ailment is genetic,' Prof. R. Jayachandran of the department of pediatrics at Kilpauk Medical College Hospital said.
'We will carry out tests to find out the kind of gases generated by the baby’.'
Not all believe the mother's story of self-combustion. 'Spontaneous Human Combustion-syndrome is a hoax theory,' the hospital's burns specialist Dr J Jagan Mohan told The Times of India. 'A baby catching fire spontaneously is not possible.
'Alcoholics have a very small percentage of alcohol secreted in their sweat but even that wouldn't generate a fire.' Until a proper diagnosis is made, Rahul is given treatment that is only symptomatic, with the administration of antibiotics.
-Daily Mail
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