
Monday 27 May 2024

Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and the quest for the soul of African Writers


If you are a fan of African literature, you may have wondered who was the better writer: Wole Soyinka or Chinua Achebe. Both writers are widely celebrated and respected for their works, which reflect the history, culture, and politics of Africa. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast the two writers and try to answer this question.

Wole Soyinka is a Nobel Prize-winning writer from Nigeria, who has written in various genres, such as novels, plays, and poetry. His works are known for their complexity and depth, as well as their use of symbolism and satire. Soyinka often explores themes such as colonialism, post-independence struggles, corruption, and human rights. Some of his famous works include The Lion and the Jewel, Death and the King's Horseman, and Ake: The Years of Childhood.

Chinua Achebe is also a Nigerian writer, who is widely regarded as the father of modern African literature. His works are more realistic and straightforward, and often depict the clash between traditional and modern values in Africa. Achebe is best known for his novel Things Fall Apart, which is considered a masterpiece of world literature and has been translated into more than 50 languages. Other notable works by Achebe include No Longer at Ease, Arrow of God, and Anthills of the Savannah.

- Impact: Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart has had a greater impact on the global literary scene, as it introduced African literature to a wider audience and challenged the stereotypes and misconceptions about Africa. Wole Soyinka's works, while highly acclaimed, have not reached the same level of popularity and recognition.

- Versatility: Wole Soyinka has shown more versatility as a writer, as he has experimented with different forms and styles, and has combined elements of Western and African traditions. Chinua Achebe's works, while rich and diverse, have mostly followed the conventional novel format and have focused on the Igbo culture and society.

- Innovation: Wole Soyinka has also been more innovative as a writer, as he has created original and complex works that challenge the reader's expectations and interpretations. Chinua Achebe's works, while insightful and profound, have been more conventional and accessible in terms of language and structure.

Ultimately, both writers are giants of African literature, and their works continue to inspire and influence new generations of writers and readers. Rather than trying to rank them, we should appreciate and celebrate their achievements and contributions to the world of literature.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

What the Elder sees sitting down.............................

Okay, I will reading an article that directed me to various articles and I can't stop to wonder if what these articles are implying is true. The issue of islamizing Nigeria might actually be on the table somewhere and the plot is thickening by the second. First, we had an Islamic conference sponsored by Saudi Arabia but held in Nigeria. El-Rufai banned christian evangelism both in the schools and in his state. Now they want to pass a bill that will mandate all states to set aside a grazing area for Fulani herdsmen; this invariably means that all states will now compulsorily accommodate Fulani "Muslim". Now imagine is their is a religious fight, that means the Muslims already have men on ground to gather intelligence and fight. No offence to the Muslims here, but you will believe me that as volatile as the world is now with "fanatic" Muslims everywhere, this is not a safe idea. My priest said something one day that got me thinking. He said "are we sure that we Christians are not understanding the bible the wrong way"? "Thou shall not kill" was written in the old testament but all the wars by God's people were also fought and won, through God's help, in the old testament. Some of us will say " God forbid", or "God will not sit and watch Islam take over His people", but we seem to forget some things. Antioch, the present day Turkey was a place where the disciples were first called "Christians'. It was a Christian country. Today, you can barely find a single Christian there. Algeria, a country which has 2 catholic saints was a Christian country, today they don't have a single church. Same goes for the famous Egypt of the bible, Syria and the likes. Today all these countries are Islamic territories. Are we sure God does not want us to take our religion more seriously and guard it with our lives? let's take the case of Spain which was overran by the Muslims during the holy war. It took the famous Knight Templars to raise a crusade from Scotland (or Ireland), to push back the jihads and reclaim the Spanish territory. Today Spain can boast of being one of the countries that call themselves "Christian nation" though they still have very little Muslims. Same story goal for Portugal and Italy whom have to employ various means to fight for their religious believes. Here in Nigeria the case is different as we are waiting for Jesus to come from the clouds and fight for us. Even Donald Trump, as Dump as he might seem at times, sees this silent but progressing crusade and is fighting it. Our dear president recently addressed a nation of various ethnicity in Hausa and we still don't see the signs. Maybe I am the one getting all these wrong, Maybe i am the one not properly educated, maybe I am the one not understanding what really is going on. Maybe I am the only one that sees churches being burnt down in the North but Mosques are being erected in the south. Maybe I am the only one that the morning call for prayer form the mosque wakes up in the morning yet the governor of Lagos state shuts down 22 churches for noise pollution. Just maybe I am also a Christian fanatic that doesn't go around calling other people created by God "infidels" and slaughtering them like animals. Maybe I am the only one that has seen that the Qaran has more mentions of Mary in it than even Mohammed; though some Christians are castigated for honoring her. or maybe because i am on #theJesusTeam. I apologize to anyone this write-up might offend but I am just trying to see things from the realist; and not the idealist, point of view.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Nigerians and gullibility - The Igbo Experiment

Nigerians and gullibility. Someone who has no job and using the normal "Igbo man" sense to make money and fame for himself. just think, is Nnamdi Kanu a politician that politicians troop to see him? Is he a religious leader yet the court requested for a religious leader to sign his bail bond? Is he a king that kings from different towns come to pay homage to? When did southwest become part of Biafra that Fayose and FFK are now his allies? Don't we see these are just political stunts meant to propel him for something in the nearest future? Let's even ask ourselves some personal questions. Do we really believe this country will break? Do we really believe that if it breaks someone like Nnamdi will be able to change the fortunes of we Igbos? How come we are yet to really draw up an internal referendum amongst to so call states that are willing to form Biafra? All we have is a constitution and how to share money but no document showing these states/region has agreed. All we talk about is war, force, closure of places of business e.t.c. Let us start first by barring all Igbos/Biafrans from 1. Seeking political positions 2. Coming out for elections. 3. Stepping down from all political positions 4. relocating our businesses to "Biafra". Let us sit down and have an internal referendum that we have all agreed to breakaway from Nigeria. until then, we are just applying force but no distance hence no work done. My personal view, "instead of struggling for a breakaway that may never come to past, we should instead come together and fight for resource control, regional government or true federalism". I am Igbo and a very proud one. In my next life I will still love to come as an Igbo man because we are the most enterprising, diligent, innovative people on earth. Let's have your view!

Saturday 15 October 2016

The Special ones or the Political divide

The news of the arrest of the so called “honorable” judges filtered the media during the week with a lot of diverse opinions. Some agree with the arrest, some disagree while some agree with the arrest but disagree with the manner of arrest. 

Let us take some minutes to dissect this position. I will use the Rotary International 4-Way test to analyze this issue and I hope we will get to a better understanding and uniform stand.

11.  Is it the truth? – did the judges really collect bribe? Did they rule in favor of the bribe-giver? Now, from all indications the answer to these questions is YES. No judge has come out to debunk the claim. All the NBA and NJC are fighting is the manner of arrest. Also, worthy of note is that fact that the NJC had already started internal investigations on most of these judges. Some judges were forcefully retired few months back based on some of these allegations. 

22. Is it fair to all concern? – It will be only unfair to those who want to play politics with every situation. The judiciary, the say, is the last hope of the common man. If this same “last hope” is compromised, then the common man is as good as hopeless. This means that if the common man has a case in court with a wealthy or “uncommon” man, it’s as good as wasting his time. Rumor has it that one of the cases in which bribe was collected was a case on treason. If this is true then the DSS is right to make the arrest as this borders on national security. Again, some people argue of the time of arrest. Other criminals who stole less amount are arrested at any time and any place. How come we suddenly have a problem with arresting someone who took bribe of thousands of dollars at the middle of the night? Those it mean that there should be preference in arrest? Same judge sentenced someone who stole N10,000 to 10yrs imprisonment is taking thousands of dollars as bribe. As far as I am concerned, he should be embarrassed as well.

33. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? – This is the most controversial of the test. Of course, there is no way it will build good will and better friendship. The people currently being arrested are the main culprits, how do you think the other beneficiaries of the bribe will befriend people who are after them? NBA and NJC’s latest threat of strike does not help their course as it puts them in a bad light; it’s like they support the bribe-taking act as they have not condemned it. I do not want to speak much here because it will raise a lot of controversies.

44. Is it beneficial to all concerned? – In the long run it will. If they government can “genuinely” clamp down of erring judicial workers and return the hope of the common man to the courts, I think other security outfits will follow suite. If the law truly does not respect status, personality, wealth etc. then we are on the right part to recovery. 

I do not support everything this current government is doing. In fact, I do not support most of her actions. But for this corruption drive, I think I am with her. Yes, some people might argue it is selective, but look at it this way, if you are innocent, will you be apprehended? So far it is only the guilty that are being prosecuted. So the best way is to keep yourself clean and straight. Who knows, another government who will not favor you might come into power and hunt you.

---My layman’s view

Saturday 9 January 2016


Dear Fans,

We are sorry  for not being in contact all these while. Be rest assured that we are coming back stronger.

Ourlayman’s view will be coming back with a lot of exciting and engaging articles

Thank You