
Thursday 14 November 2013

Let’s don’t mix confusion with Foolishness - Anambra

My good people of Anambra state. I am one of you and I am not a politician. Recent happenings in our beloved state has forced me to write this brief article just to juggle our conscience.

Tomorrow is the gubernatorial election of our dearly beloved state and the time to think deep is now. what exactly do we want? We have seen it all already so we are in a better position to make a desirable decision.

Since the return of democracy in Nigeria, Anambra state has witnessed 5 governors. They are Mbadinuju, Senator Chris Ngige, Gov. Peter Obi, Dame Virgy Etiaba and Senator Andy Uba. Yes, some of us might argue the inclusion of Dame Virgy Etiaba and Senator Andy Uba on this list but one cannot tell the history of our great state without including them. The question now is, who did us proud in them all? Putting aside relationship, locality, party etc., who sincerely gave Anambra hope of a better, brigther tomorrow?

We all know how Mbadinuju went with his godfathers, how he managed to use state fund to fight certain individuals just to retain power. We know how our current governor, even without godfathers or external pressure, with the best relationship ever with the federal government, with all the huge finance accrued in the state account in the past 7years, has little or nothing to show for it. Then we have Senator Chis Ngige, who had godfathers yet choose to fight them for our sake, who despite limited resources form the federal government built the roads, renovated schools, paid salaries as and at when due etc.

It might sound as if I am already rooting  for Ngige but let us think for a second, why won’t I root for him? From the candidates we have now, he is the only tested one. I am not saying he is the best candidate but tell me, who is better? Labour party candidate Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah might be a good candidate but let us take a brief look at his background. What is his source of wealth? How come his business is being managed my AMCON? How are we sure he is not going to use the state’s fund to clear his debt? Then we have Tony Nwoye. I personally met this guy in 2006. Senator Andy Ubah single handedly made this man the PDP state chairman in Anambra state. How are we sure it is not a calculated effort to smuggle Ubah into the government house? Remember, there is still a court case between the two PDP factions in Anambra state and if you ask me, on technical grounds, Andy Ubah will win his case in court because Tony Nwoye contested in the two PDP primaries held in the state. This means that he supported both factions of the party. Then we have Willie Obiano, the man who cannot make any campaign statement without telling us how he will continue form where Peter Obi stopped. He literary does not have any plan of his own. He is better off as an administrator than a politician. How are we sure he is not going there to hide Peter Obi’s loots? How are we sure he is not going there to make sure that Fidelity bank’s interest in Anambra state is protected?

Like I said before, Sen. Ngige might not be the best candidate but based on proven track record, he is the only candidate. The only fear is that he is running for governor in the wrong party. APC and PDP have the same ideology, “selfish interest of some certain individuals comes first before the nation can benefit”. But they are still the best for now in terms of good governance. With their record in Lagos, Osun, Edo states etc. which I am aware of, one can say for now, they are the better of the two.

My good people, let us not be foolish nor confused. Let us not deceive ourselves because of few kobos that they are willing to give us now and enslave us the rest of the way. For the sake of the teachers In those remote schools, for the sake of the students in our own state university, for the sake of the traders hustling daily in Onitsha, Nnewi etc., for the sake of the industrialists in Onitsha, Nnewi Umuoji etc., let us do what is right to safeguard our generation and the generation unborn.

Long live Anambra state!!!

Nwaorah Obi

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